2001 A Space Odyssey Plot

Symbolic dimensions 1x4x9 the squares of 1 2 and 3 in 2001 a monolith is found buried on the moon.
2001 a space odyssey plot. David bowman and frank poole were the conscious human beings aboard the discovery space mission to saturn. Three of their colleagues were hibernating to be woken when they approached saturn. Douglas rain as the voice of hal 9000 production.
A space odyssey in 1968. Even if you have seen the movie version of this science fiction novel you might be confused while reading. 2001 is a story of evolution.
Strangelove 1964 director stanley kubrick became fascinated by the. When sunlight hits it it sends a radio message to a jupiter monolith relay telling the aliens that we have arrived. A space craft is sent to jupiter on a secret mission to check it out.
Sometime in the distant past someone or something nudged evolution by placing a monolith on earth presumably elsewhere throughout the universe as well. Additionally hal an artificially intelligent computer maintained the ship and was an active part of life aboard. In the prehistoric african veldt a tribe of hominids are driven away from their water hole by a rival tribe.
A space odyssey film plot.