Hsv Color Space

H hue dominant wavelength.
Hsv color space. Hsv and hsb are the same but hsl is different. A color in hsv space is specified by stating a hue angle the chroma level and the lightness level. The hsv colour space also has 3 channels.
Complementary colors are 180 apart. In other words color is not defined as a simple combination addition substraction of primary colors but as a mathematical transformation. Best thing is that it uses only one channel to describe color h making it very intuitive to specify color.
The hsl color space was invented for television in 1938 by georges valensi as a method to add color encoding to existing monochrome i e. S saturation purity shades of the color. In this demo the hsv color space has been used instead of the rgb space.
For example red would be a colour. It is a nonlinear transformation of the rgb color space. For closer inspection of the hsv color space create a synthetic rgb image.
A hue angle of zero is red. V value intensity. According to that model h ue dimension represents the color s aturation dimension represents the dominance of that color and the v alue dimension represents the brightness.
The hue angle increases in a counterclockwise direction. Hue saturation and value. This color space describes colors hue or tint in terms of their shade saturation or amount of gray and their brightness value.