Space Anomaly

The mission introduces the player to the amenities of this location then offers rewards for checking in on two of its denizens priest entity nada and specialist polo at key points of the artemis path.
Space anomaly. The space anomaly is the mission associated with its namesake object the space anomaly. Since november 2 2000 the astronauts and researchers aboard the international space station have been tasked with researching and experimenting everything related to space. The united family of anomaly hunters ufah are a team of fourteen research groups that have come together to expose hidden artifacts and space anomalies on planets moons and comets in our solar system.
The discoveries so far have been spectacular and jaw dropping to say the least. As one can imagine they have seen their fair share of anomalies and oddities sights that would leave the average earth citizen flabbergasted. The space anomaly is truly the ultimate result of the zone s instability as now it alters the very fabric of reality and distorts time and space seemingly creating miniature wormholes which acts as a portal that teleports anything that touches it to another spot or creating a loop in reality that traps anyone unlucky enough to be inside it.