Space Battleship Tiramisu
The series is a comedy about the daily life of subaru ichinose a pilot on the space battleship tiramisu who lives and eats in his fighter s cockpit because he can t stand the company of others.
Space battleship tiramisu. Subaru ichinose is the ace pilot of the space battleship tiramisu since he cannot get used to being surrounded by older pilots subaru shuts himself in the cockpit of his personal. Aboard the space battleship tiramisu ace pilot subaru ichinose carries the fate of humanity on his shoulders. Space battleship tiramisu the earth union is locked in a massive galactic war.
Aboard the space battleship tiramisu ace pilot subaru ichinose carries the fate of humanity on his shoulders. As the ace pilot aboard the tiramisu earth union s most important battleship it is his job to defend mother earth from the threats that emerge from humanity s extended dominion spreading throughout the vast reaches of the universe. With brian mathis anthony bowling kyle phillips jeremy inman.
Life for subaru is tough. In preparation for his vital wartime missions ace pilot subaru ichinose launches an all out food based assault on his own face.