Space Related Words

Usually such stars orbit so closely that they appear as a single point of light even when viewed through professional telescopes.
Space related words. In the space of a few minutes the room had filled up. A vehicle used for traveling in space. Particles the smallest pieces that make up all substances that are the exact opposites of all the particles in the universe.
List of words related to space. When matter meets its antimatter equal they are both destroyed releasing lots of energy. Elbow room place room way.
Free thesaurus definition of planets stars and other objects in space from the macmillan english dictionary. It travels 186 282 miles 299 792 458 meters every second. Sun moon quarter moon gibbous moon half moon crescent moon full moon mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto planets stars satellite solar system galaxy orbit comet asteroid astronaut rocket shooting star sky alien eclipse universe black hole.
2 an indefinite but usually short period of time. Line of sight doubles are a consequence of perspective and aren t physically related. This is caused by the movement of the object toward the object.
The conditions in space that can affect earth satellites and space travel. Antimatter antimatter is made up of tiny particles that are the opposite of normal material. Many stars are multiples doubles triples or more gravitationally bound together.
Light is the fastest thing in the universe. Space and solar system vocabulary word list 356 a aberration absolute acceleration achievement administration adventure aerodynamics aerogel aerospace agency air force alien altitude ambient ammonia analysis anomaly apex aphelion apogee apotheosis arc ascendant asteroid astronaut astronomer astronomy atmosphere aurora borealis axis azimuth. Click on a word to go to the definition.