Subacromial Space

The space directly beneath the acromion and directly above the shoulder joint is called the subacromial space and packed into that space are a group of important structures.
Subacromial space. A subacromial space is the area below the top of the shoulder blade acromion and above the rotator cuff tendons present on the top of the bone of the upper arm humerus. In fact the subacromial space is only a potential space the bursa being two membra nous surfaces separated by a thin film of lubricating fluid. Subacromial bursitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the bursa that separates the superior surface of the supraspinatus tendon from the overlying coraco acromial ligament acromion and coracoid and from the deep surface of the deltoid muscle.
It can also occur as you get older. Other risk factors such as obesity and muscle weakness can contribute to joint space narrowing. During certain shoulder movements the subacromial space becomes smaller and these soft tissues can become pinched a condition called shoulder impingement.
Inflammation of the rotator cuff tendon or subacromial bursa present in the subacromial space can lead to painful symptoms. The subacromial bursa helps the motion of the supraspinatus tendon of the rotator cuff in activities such as overhead work. The normal subacromial space in shoulder radiographs is 9 10 mm.
1 the tendon of the long head of the biceps muscle. Normal radiographic measurements of the shoulder are important in evaluation of the osseous relationships in plain film radiography. 3 the rotator cuff.
The subacromial space lies below the coracoacromial arch and above the humeral head and greater tuberosity of the humerus. Normal measurements do not rule out pathology and must be considered in the context of other findings and the clinical presentation. It is only when the surgeon distends the bursa with irrigating fluid that a measurable space is created.
2 the subacromial bursa. Subacromial space access will be inferior to the acromion identified by bone related shadowing behind the acromion. The subacromial space refers to the space above the shoulder s glenohumeral joint ball and socket joint and below the acromion the top most bone of the shoulder.