Canadian Space Agency

First woman roberta bondar 1992 first canadian on space station mir hadfield 1995 first canadian to operate the canadarm.
Canadian space agency. Longtime public servant lisa campbell has been tapped by the trudeau government to take the agency s reins the first woman to head the organization since it was founded in 1989. The canadian space agency coordinates all civil space related. The logo for the canadian space agency credit.
In the 1990s canada racked up a series of astronaut milestones. Public events organized or supported by the canadian space agency. Radarsat s third generation is a constellation of three satellites used to observe canada.
Canadian space agency facebook ottawa the canadian space agency is getting its first female president. Canada s collaboration with europe in space activities predated both the european space agency and the canadian space agency. The canadian space agency coordinates all civil space related policies and programs on behalf of the government of canada.
From 1968 canada held observer status in the european space conference esc a ministerial level organization set up to determine future european space activities and it continued in this limited role after esa was. Satellites in our everyday lives canadian satellites tasked with earth observation communications scientific research and exploration.