Define Space

The portion or extent of this in a given instance.
Define space. A rather short period. Extent or room in three dimensions the space occupied by a body. A limited extent in one two or three dimensions.
A period of time also. 1 3 count noun a blank between printed typed or written. Days later a current tenant with an adjacent lease asked to rent the.
An extent measured or unmeasured of linear space. A wide and open area as of land sky or water. 1 1 count noun an area of land which is not occupied by buildings.
Verb used with object spaced spac ing. Variable noun you use space to refer to an area that is empty or available. The area can be any size.
Noun the unlimited or incalculably great three dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur. C u art in a painting space is the appearance of depth even though the painting only has width and height. Open space is land that has nothing built on it.
For example you can refer to a large area outside as a large open space or to a small area between two objects as a small space. 1 2 an area rented or sold as business premises. An extent set apart or available parking space floor space.